中国人事科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (2): 1-8.

• 公共人事管理 •    下一篇


杨楠, 吴比, 雷泽, 张靖雯   

  • 出版日期:2022-02-25 发布日期:2022-06-09
  • 作者简介:杨楠, 农业农村部人事司劳资调配处一级调研员;吴比, 农业农村部农村经济研究中心副研究员;雷泽, 农业农村部农村经济研究中心人事处干部;张靖雯, 全国农业展览馆助理工程师

Exploration on Annual Salary System for High-level Talents in Public Institutions

Yang Nan, Wu Bi, Lei Ze, Zhang Jingwen   

  • Online:2022-02-25 Published:2022-06-09

摘要: 事业单位是我国社会主义现代化建设的重要力量,其人才队伍建设,尤其是高层次人才的培养和使用,影响着公益服务质量和效应。事业单位内高层次人才的培养是国家战略和单位改革的要求,通过深化人才发展的体制机制改革,对高层次人才实行年薪制,充分激发人才创新创造活力,是提升事业单位公益服务质量的有效路径。目前事业单位高层次人才实行年薪制存在绩效工资总额限制、高层次人才界定和考核困难等问题。事业单位应通过提升总体绩效额度,合理确定年薪水平,适当下放高层次人才认定权,推动完善用人机制,明确事业单位主责主业,健全年度考核机制等措施,为事业单位探索高层次人才年薪制提供制度基础。

关键词: 事业单位, 高层次人才, 年薪制, 绩效工资

Abstract: As an important force in China’s socialist modernization, the construction of a talent team, especially the cultivation and use of high-level talents, influences the quality of public welfare services. The cultivation of high-level talents in public institutions meets the requirements of national strategy and organizational reform. Deepening the reform of talent development system, implementing the annual salary system for high-level talents and exploring the ways to stimulate talent innovation and creation vitality are effective ways to improve the quality of public welfare services of public institutions. At present, the implementation of the annual salary system for high-level talents in public institutions has some problems, such as limitation of total performance salary, and difficulty in defining and assessing high-level talents. Public institutions should take measures, such as reasonably determining the annual salary level by improving the overall performance quota, appropriately delegating the right to identify high-level talents and promoting the improvement of the employment mechanism, clearing the main responsibility and main business of public institutions, and improving the annual assessment system, to provide a system basis for public institutions to explore the annual salary system for high-level talents.

Key words: Public institutions, High-level talents, Annual salary system, Performance salary
