中国人事科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (2): 9-17.

• 公共人事管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-02-25 发布日期:2022-06-09
  • 作者简介:赵鹏沄, 北京大学人事部开发培训办公室副主任,助理研究员

Research on the Influence of “Pre-employment - Long Employment” Personnel System on Young Teachers’ Academic Behavior Strategies—A Case Study Based on P University

Zhao Pengyun   

  • Online:2022-02-25 Published:2022-06-09

摘要: 目前“预聘—长聘”人事制度已成为我国研究型大学人事制度改革的趋势,成为各高校提高教师科研产出、快速提升高校学术地位的重要举措,但也对青年教师产生了强烈的冲击。本研究采用质性研究方法以P大学青年教师为对象进行调研,发现青年教师在初入职时倾向于将受教育经历中对学术工作的理解迁移至当下的工作情境,多以导师为榜样,表达了对教师工作强烈的认同感和承诺感;及至正式进入学术工作场域,在与制度环境及同事的互动中,研究者的学术认知发生了变化,进而采取了不同的行为策略,其中包括理想型、适应型和顺从型。高校及人事部门在各项重要政策的制定过程中,应尽可能多地倾听青年教师的声音,积极采取多种形式打消青年教师在科研工作中的顾虑,落实以质量和贡献为导向的科研评价体系,从而增强青年教师对教师身份的认同感和承诺感,维护青年教师最初建立的“以学术为志业”的崇高责任感。

关键词: 青年教师, 人事制度, 预聘—长聘;, 学术行为策略

Abstract: At present, the “pre-employment - long employment” personnel system has become the trend of personnel system reform in China’s research-oriented universities, and has become an important measure for colleges and universities to improve teachers’ scientific research output and quickly enhance the academic status of colleges and universities, but it also has a strong influence on young teachers. This research adopts qualitative research methods to investigate young teachers of P University. It is found that young teachers tend to transfer their understanding of academic work from their educational experience to the current work situation when they first check in. They mostly take tutors as examples to express a strong sense of identity and commitment to teachers’ work. When they officially enter the academic work field, in the interaction with the system environment and colleagues, researchers change their academic cognition, and then adopt different behavior strategies, including ideal type, adaptive type and obedient type. In the process of formulating various important policies, colleges, universities and personnel departments should listen to the voices of young teachers as much as possible, actively take various forms to dispel the misgivings of young teachers in scientific research, and implement a quality and contribution-oriented scientific research evaluation system, so as to enhance young teachers’ sense of identity and commitment to teachers, maintain the lofty sense of responsibility of “Science as A Vocation” initially established by young teachers.

Key words: Young teachers, Personnel system, Pre-employment - long employment, Academic behavior strategy
