中国人事科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (4): 8-14.

• 公共人事管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


胡利哲, 杜新波   

  • 出版日期:2022-04-25 发布日期:2022-06-09
  • 作者简介:胡利哲, 自然资源部人力资源开发中心助理研究员;杜新波 自然资源部人力资源开发中心研究员
  • 基金资助:
    * 自然资源部部门预算项目——2021年自然资源科技人才工程组织实施与管理服务项目(编号:121106000000180039)

Empirical Study on Performance Evaluation in Central Scientific Research Institutions Based on Balanced Score Card

Hu Lizhe, Du Xinbo   

  • Online:2022-04-25 Published:2022-06-09

摘要: 中央级科研事业单位普遍承担国家重点公益性、基础性研究工作,开展绩效评价是提高中央级科研事业单位治理水平的重要途径。运用平衡计分卡(BSC)作为绩效评价工具,建立绩效评价指标体系,有助于解决中央级科研事业单位绩效评价中存在的评价指标科学性和完整性不足等问题。以自然资源部某中央级科研事业单位为例,根据平衡计分卡的财务、客户、内部运营、学习与成长4个维度设计,可构建涵盖单位机构设置、工作流程、成果展示和社会价值等方面的一级指标,并相应建立二、三级指标,用德尔菲法确定各级指标的权重,运用大数据、人工智能、云计算等数字技术获取数据并持续优化信息系统,从而能够为单位管理层提供一个更系统、全面的视野审视整个单位在实现目标愿景过程中的优势与不足,促进单位提高绩效水平。

关键词: 平衡计分卡, 科研事业单位, 绩效评价

Abstract: Central scientific research institutions generally undertake national key public welfare and basic research work. Performance evaluation is an important way to improve the governance level of central scientific research institutions. Using the Balanced Score Card (BSC) as a performance evaluation tool and establishing a performance evaluation index system will help to solve the problem of lack of scientificity and integrity of evaluation indexes in the performance evaluation of central scientific research institutions. Taking a certain central scientific research institution of the Ministry of Natural Resources as an example, according to the four dimensions of finance, customers, internal operation, and learning and growth of the BSC, the first-class indexes covering institutional setting, workflow, achievement presentation, social value and the like of the institution can be constructed, the second-class and third-class indexes can be established accordingly, and the weights of the indexes at all levels can be determined by adopting the Delphi method. Digital technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing are used to obtain data and continuously optimize the information system, so as to provide the management layer of the institution with a more systematic and comprehensive vision for examining the advantages and disadvantages of the whole institution in the process of realizing the goal vision, and helping the institution to improve the performance level.

Key words: Balanced Score Card, Scientific research institutions, Performance evaluation
