中国人事科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (1): 1-8.

• 公共人事管理 •    下一篇


栗晓霞, 罗小菲, 江爱世   

  • 出版日期:2022-01-25 发布日期:2022-06-09
  • 作者简介:栗晓霞, 北京市人事考评办公室一级主任科员,高级经济师;罗小菲, 北京市人事考评办公室一级主任科员;江爱世, 北京市人事考评办公室一级主任科员

The Exploration on Hierarchical Written Examination of Beijing Civil Servants Recruitment and the Study on Its Results

Li Xiaoxia, Luo Xiaofei, Jiang Aishi   

  • Online:2022-01-25 Published:2022-06-09

摘要: 北京市结合本地实际,按照“‘分级’先行,‘分类’逐步推进”的总体思路,探索建立公平公正、科学精准的分级分类考试录用(考录)体系。在分级考试方面,对综合管理类市区职位、街乡职位两个级别的岗位,分别设计考录测评框架,并从测查能力、试卷结构、考试题型、试题题量等方面进行区分。在分类考试方面,先对行政执法类职位考录工作开展研究。公务员考录笔试测评要素和题目形式得到进一步改进,试题的针对性和有效性进一步提高。实践表明,公务员分级分类考录是一项系统工程,考试管理部门应积极配合公务员考录主管部门开展公务员录用分级分类考试框架的研究设计,完善分级分类考试的理论基础和评价体系, 进一步细化考录测评框架,丰富测评要素,开发新的题型和题目,实现对人才的有效选拔和录用。

关键词: 公务员, 考试录用, 分级分类, 笔试, 考试效果

Abstract: With further reform of the civil service post classification system, it is very necessary to improve accuracy and scientificity of civil servants recruitment, and to implement hierarchical examination. According to the actual condition, Beijing has initially established a fair, just, scientific and accurate hierarchical examination/recruitment system, guided by the overall idea of “grading first and classifying step by step”. As for graded examinations, comprehensive management posts in either downtowns or outskirts are provided with different examination evaluation frameworks, and differentiated by means of examination capacity, test paper structure, question types, and questions amount. As for classified examinations, examination and recruitment of administrative law enforcement posts are studied at the first place. The elements and questions of the written examination for civil servants have been further improved, and the pertinence and effectiveness of the questions have been further enhanced. The practice shows that hierarchical civil servants examination and recruitment is a systematic project, which requires the examination authorities to actively coordinate the competent department of civil servants examination and recruitment in studying and designing the hierarchical civil servants examination and recruitment framework, improving the theoretical basis and evaluation system of the hierarchical examination, further refining the examination evaluation framework, enriching the examination elements, developing new questions and topics, and realizing effective selection and recruitment of talents.

Key words: Civil servants, Examination and recruitment, Hierarchical, Written examination, Examination results
