中国人事科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (2): 18-27.

• 人才资源开发 • 上一篇    下一篇


王国洪, 马盛楠   

  • 出版日期:2022-02-25 发布日期:2022-06-09
  • 作者简介:王国洪, 北京石油化工学院公共管理系副教授;马盛楠, 住房和城乡建设部信息中心
  • 基金资助:
    * 本文系北京市教委一般项目“关联社会保障待遇标准、待遇梯度及调整机制研究”(SM201910017003)的阶段性成果

The Countermeasures and the Analysis on the Current Situation of the Construction of Public Health Talent Team in China

Wang Guohong, Ma Shengnan   

  • Online:2022-02-25 Published:2022-06-09

摘要: 2020年的新冠肺炎疫情触发了公共卫生政策的调整,高质量人才队伍是保障公共卫生治理体系和治理能力现代化的关键。我国公共卫生人才队伍建设已取得了巨大的成就,但仍然存在一些问题:公共卫生人才总量仍不足且呈现出进一步下降的趋势;轻预防重治疗的理念导致疾控中心和卫生监督所人员占公共卫生机构人数的比例快速下降;公共卫生人员结构比例失衡;同等条件下公共卫生机构人员待遇明显偏低,造成高端人才储备不足且流失较为严重。各级政府应将疾病预防和治疗放在同等重要位置,调整卫生资源分配结构,保障公共卫生人才供给;以公共卫生首席专家制度为抓手,进一步优化公共卫生人才队伍结构;深化收入分配机制改革,建立科学合理的薪酬激励机制、职称评审机制和社会认同机制;转换公共卫生人才培养模式,着力培养具有公共卫生风险防范与识别、疾病治疗和应急处理的多学科复合型人才。

关键词: 公共卫生, 人才队伍, 健康

Abstract: The COVID-19 epidemic sweeping the world in 2020 has become the trigger factor for public health policy adjustment. A high-quality talent team is the key to guarantee the modernization of public health governance ability and governance system. Great achievements have been made in the construction of public health talents in China, but there are still some problems. The total number of public health talents is still insufficient and shows a further descending trend. The concept of neglecting prevention and emphasizing treatment has led to a rapid decline in the ratio of the number of personnel in centers for disease control and health supervision institutions to the number of personnel in public health institutions. The structural proportion of public health personnel is unbalanced. Under the same conditions, the treatment of personnel in public health institutions is obviously low, resulting in insufficient high-end talent reserve and serious loss. Governments at all levels should give equal importance to disease prevention and treatment, adjust the distribution structure of health resources and ensure the supply of public health talents; further optimize the structure of public health talent team by focusing on the chief expert system of public health; deepen the reform of income distribution mechanism and establish a scientific and reasonable salary incentive mechanism, professional title evaluation mechanism and social recognition mechanism; change the training mode of public health talents, and strive to cultivate multidisciplinary talents with public health risk prevention and identification, disease treatment and emergency treatment.

Key words: Public health, Talent team, Health
