中国人事科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (2): 62-73.

• 人力资源服务 • 上一篇    下一篇


王书柏, 朱晓乐   

  • 出版日期:2022-02-25 发布日期:2022-06-09
  • 作者简介:王书柏, 全国工商联人才交流服务中心办公室主任,副编审;朱晓乐, 武汉大学政治与公共管理学院博士

The Transformation and Upgrading of Human Resource Service Industry: Opportunities, Challenges and Driving Mechanism

Wang Shubai, Zhu Xiaole   

  • Online:2022-02-25 Published:2022-06-09

摘要: 人力资源服务业是促进就业和人力资源开发配置的重要载体。我国人力资源服务业沿“人才流动—行政化人才市场—人才服务业—市场化人力资源服务业”的发展轨迹,在营业收入、机构人员、业态发展等方面快速发展。目前我国人力资源服务业转型升级在宏观和中观层面上有着不同的目标,在产业结构、产业内涵、平台集聚、技术创新等层面存在挑战,同时,国家政策支持、“共享经济”、科技创新等也为人力资源服务业发展带来了机遇。新时代人力资源服务业转型升级的动力培育包括四类,分别是创新带动、政府推动、市场驱动和疫情促动。创新动力可分为人才创新动力、技术创新动力和治理创新动力;政府推动主要是政府“放管服”政策促进,财政资金支持推进;市场驱动是指人力资源服务市场需求的拉动、企业间的竞争以及行业集聚均能够驱动人力资源服务业转型升级。

关键词: 人力资源服务业, 转型升级, 动力机制

Abstract: Human resource service industry is an important carrier to promote employment and human resource development and allocation. Along the development track of “talent flow - administrative talent market - talent service industry - market-oriented human resource service industry”, China’s human resource service industry has developed rapidly in aspects of, for example, operating income, organizational personnel and business form development. At present, the transformation and upgrading of China’s human resource service industry has different objectives at the macro and meso levels. There are challenges at the levels of industrial structure, industrial connotation, platform agglomeration and technological innovation. At the same time, national policy support, “sharing economy” and scientific and technological innovation also bring opportunities to the development of human resource service industry. There are four types of driving forces for the transformation and upgrading of human resource service industry in the new era, including innovation driving force, government driving force, market driving force and epidemic driving force. Innovation driving force can be divided into talent innovation driving force, technology innovation driving force and governance innovation driving force. Government driving force mainly refers to driving by government’s “release, management and service” policies, and driving by financial fund support. Market driving force refers to that the pulling of human resource service market demand, competition among enterprises and industry agglomeration can drive the transformation and upgrading of human resource service industry.

Key words: Human resource service industry, Transformation and upgrading, Driving mechanism
