中国人事科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (4): 21-32.

• 人才资源开发 • 上一篇    下一篇


董长麒, 李燕萍, 张天保, 王珊   

  • 出版日期:2022-04-25 发布日期:2022-06-09
  • 作者简介:董长麒, 湖北省人力资源和社会保障厅副厅长;李燕萍, 武汉大学人力资源管理研究中心主任;张天保, 湖北省人才事业发展中心党委副主任;王珊, 湖北省人才事业发展中心人才服务业发展处处长

Research on the Path of Building High-Quality Human Resource Service System in Hubei Province

Dong Changqi, Li Yanping, Zhang Tianbao, Wang Shan   

  • Online:2022-04-25 Published:2022-06-09

摘要: 持续推动人才服务工作提质增效, 需要明确高质量人才服务体系内涵及构成要素,构建高质量人才服务评价体系,促进人才服务与人才链和产业链的匹配适应和融合发展。构建高质量人才服务体系的路径应包括:一是高质量人才服务旨在让社会的每一个成员“都能过一种有价值的生活”,其最终目的是创造高品质生活,全面增强人民群众的获得感、幸福感和安全感;二是高质量的公共服务需要政府与市场机构共同承担责任,实现整个服务体系的资源优化配置;三是深刻把握城镇化发展趋势,高度重视城市群在国家经济全局中的作用,以高质量城市发展支撑高质量发展;四是积极应用新兴技术,提高人才服务的针对性、预见性和智能性。人才服务机构需要顺应“互联网+”等数字技术应用趋势,开发、优化线上服务,合理设计服务场所和服务产品,优化业务流程,融合线上与线下服务,满足市场新需求。

关键词: 高质量人才服务, 人才服务体系, 评价指标体系

Abstract: To continuously promote the quality and efficiency improvement of talent service, it’s necessary to identify the connotation and constituent elements of high-quality human resource service system, build a high-quality human resource service evaluation system, and promote the matching, adaptation and integrated development of human resource service with talent chain and industrial chain. The path of building a high-quality human resource service system should include the following aspects: first, high-quality human resource service aims to enable every member of society to “live a valuable life”, with an ultimate goal of creating a high-quality life and comprehensively enhancing people’s contentment, happiness and security; second, high-quality public services need the government and market institutions to shoulder the responsibility together to realize the optimal allocation of resources in the whole service system; third, it’s necessary to keep up with the development of urbanization, attach great importance to the role of urban agglomeration in the overall national economy, and support development with high-quality urbanization; fourth, actively apply emerging technologies to provide more targeted, predictable and intelligent human resource services. Talent service institutions need to cater to the trend of digital technology applications like “Internet +”, develop and optimize online services, reasonably design service venues and service products, optimize business processes, integrate online and offline services, and meet new market needs.

Key words: High quality human resource service, human resource service system, evaluation index system
