26 July 2024, Volume 51 Issue 7 Previous Issue   
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Design of Assessment and Incentive Mechanism for Young Employees in the Public Sectors Based on OKR— Taking Central Bank Branches as Example
Du Chunze
2024, 51(7): 1-8. 
Abstract ( )   PDF (1727KB) ( )  
Performance assessment of employees in public sectors has always been a difficult and hot topic in human resource management. For the vast majority of public sectors, further research is needed on how to improve the scientificity of assessment indicators and meet the personalized development of employees. This paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of assessment and incentive for young employees of grassroots central banks, and designs a set of assessment and incentive mechanisms based on the characteristics of young employees using human resource and performance assessment management methods such as Objective and Key Results (OKR) and point-based management. In response to the lack of differentiation in the current assessment model, drawing on the OKR work method, the development objectives of units and departments are decomposed into individual work objectives of employees, and the completion of individual objectives of employees is managed through a point system. The assessment level is determined based on the ranking of young employees in the entire bank, and the employee assessment results are used as important references for performance-based salary distribution, award recommendation and promotion. By utilizing this assessment and incentive mechanism, it will effectively enhance the enthusiasm of young employees and create a good atmosphere for entrepreneurship, where they can compete with others and strive to be the first.
Research on the Growth of Young Officials in New Era: Current Status and Prospect
Fang Zhenbang, Liu Qing, Tang Jian
2024, 51(7): 9-16. 
Abstract ( )   PDF (1872KB) ( )  
Building a high-quality professional young cadre team that implements the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, meets the standards of good officials in the new era, and is loyal, clean, responsible, sufficient in quantity and full of vitality, is related to the Party’s cause and the long-term stability of the country. This paper, based on relevant policy documents and literature on young officials, sorts out relevant policy measures to promote the growth of young officials, and summarizes the following growth laws of young officials: the ability and quality of officials must meet the development needs of the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics; the improvement of the ability and quality of officials is a development process from quantitative to qualitative change, and both individuals and organizations bear important responsibilities; theoretical learning is the foundation, while practical exercise is the key. From the perspective of incentive mechanisms, we should adhere to a balance between incentives and constraints. However, there are four difficulties in the development of some young officials, including having a Buddhist mentality, and being an official but not acting; having grandiose aims but puny abilities, and having too high expectations; having deviated values, and lacking motivation for public service; lacking training mechanism and lacking enthusiasm for work and entrepreneurship. Therefore, we should establish a training path that covers the training subject, selection philosophy, training system, and management mechanism. In future research, we should further carry out research on concept orientation, growth laws, ability and quality, methodology, and strategic demand orientation of young officials.
Study on the Current Wage System for Australian Civil Servants
Wang Qiulei, Xiong Ying
2024, 51(7): 17-23. 
Abstract ( )   PDF (1615KB) ( )  
The Australian civil service wage system aims to ensure a competitive, transparent, and fair compensation framework aligned with public service goals. This framework consists of four parts: basic wage (full-time annual pay), benefits (including pension contributions, personal perks, and other allowances), bonuses (for performance and retention), and allowances (for working conditions, qualifications and work-related expenses, such as additional duty, qualification or skill allowances). Between 2017 and 2021, the median basic wages of civil servants at different levels increased, albeit with varying rates of growth. Overall, the Australian civil service wage system features diverse employment methods, allowing customized terms and conditions under different agreements, along with varied bonus categories (such as individual performance, retention, productivity, onboarding, team or institution bonuses), and classification based on job roles, qualifications and complexity to determine wage levels. Additionally, high wage transparency fosters fairness among civil servants, enhances performance incentives, and promotes consistent team cooperation. Understanding the wage system of civil servants in Australia is helpful for deepening the reform of the wage system of civil servants in China.
Theoretical Logic and Practical Experience of Local Undergraduate Universities and Colleges Providing Settlement Fees for Doctoral Introduction
Li Yongping, Yan Yu, Xiang Xuyan, Zhou Fei
2024, 51(7): 24-32. 
Abstract ( )   PDF (1959KB) ( )  
Introducing doctors is an important way to build a talent team of local undergraduate universities and colleges. Doctors are scarce talents. Providing a certain amount of settlement fees is a common practice for local undergraduate universities and colleges to recruit doctoral talents. However, the logic, rationality, and scientificity of providing settlement fees for doctoral introduction are often questioned by society. This paper analyzes the internal logic of local undergraduate universities and colleges providing settlement fees for doctoral introduction, and uses case studies to study the payment standards and methods of settlement fees. The results show that: (1) providing settlement fees for doctoral introduction conforms not only to theoretical logic but also to practical logic; (2) the supply and demand relationship and intrinsic value of talents are the main basis for determining the standard of settlement fees for doctoral introduction; (3) installment or deferred payment of settlement fees for doctoral introduction can provide good protection, constraint, and incentive effects.
Research on Development Process and Empirical Evaluation of Shandong Province’s Science and Technology Talent Policies
Wang Junling, Lin Yue
2024, 51(7): 33-44. 
Abstract ( )   PDF (3354KB) ( )  
Reviewing and evaluating the development process of Shandong Province's science and technology talent policies has important guiding significance to improving the future work of science and technology talents in Shandong Province. This paper takes Shandong Province’s science and technology talent policies from January 2000 to June 2023 as the research object, uses Rost CM and NetDraw to extract keywords of science and technology talent policy texts from different periods, conducts network visualization analysis, explores the development characteristics and trends of Shandong Province’s science and technology talent policies at each stage based on the social governance theory, and evaluates the effectiveness of implementing science and technology talent policies using the DEA model. As shown by the research, there is a significant evolution process in four dimensions, including governance subjects, rules, mechanisms, and goals of Shandong Province’s science and technology talent policies, and the overall trend is towards diversified talent introduction methods, diversified science and technology talent subjects, and specialized science and technology talent evaluation. After evaluation, it is found that there is still significant room for improvement in the implementation effect of Shandong Province’s science and technology talent policies, and the key lies in the improvement of scale efficiency.
Research on the Influence of Digital Human Resource Management on Digital Creativity of Employees
Xie Peng, Wei Yiyi, Ma Lu
2024, 51(7): 45-56. 
Abstract ( )   PDF (2337KB) ( )  
In the era of booming digital economy, the role of digital human resource management is becoming increasingly important. This paper aims to exploring the influence of digital human resource management on digital creativity of employees, and further analyzes the mediating role of digital self-efficacy, as well as the moderating effect of perception of human resource management intensity. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 352 company members and the data obtained was analyzed. As found, digital human resource management positively influences digital creativity of employees; digital self-efficacy plays a mediating role between digital human resource management and digital creativity of employees; perception of human resource management intensity positively regulates the process of the influence of digital human resource management on digital creativity of employees, that is, when the perception of human resource management intensity is high, the positive effect of digital human resource management on digital creativity of employees is more pronounced through digital self-efficacy of employees. This paper theoretically reveals the effective influence path of digital human resource management on digital creativity of employees, which helps guide the cultivation and enhancement of digital creativity of employees in the context of digitalization.
A Study on the Transmission Mechanism of Human Resource Management Strategies and Employees’ Green Behaviour-Based on Network Embedding Perspective
Ma Yonggang, Wang Jiaojiao
2024, 51(7): 57-68. 
Abstract ( )   PDF (2236KB) ( )  
Today, how to stimulate employees’ green behavior is regarded as the key to realize green sustainable development of enterprises. Existing studies have revealed many antecedent variables that promote employees’ green behavior from an individual perspective, but ignored the impact of employees’ behavior on their social networks. Based on the theory of network embedding, this study introduces environmental knowledge and social norms into the construction of a dual intermediary model from the perspective of social network, aiming to explore the influence mechanism of network embedding on employees’ green behavior. Based on the analysis of 365 random sample survey questionnaires, the research shows that: (1) Structural embeddedness and relational embeddedness have a significant positive impact on employees’ green behavior; (2) The higher the degree of structural embeddedness, the more conducive to the acquisition of environmental knowledge and the promotion of employees’ green behavior ; the higher the structural embeddedness and relational embeddedness, the more inclined individuals are to abide by social norms and thus have a positive impact on employees’ green behavior. (3) The mediating mechanism of environmental knowledge between relational embeddedness and employees’ green behavior has not been verified. This study reveals the mediating role of environmental knowledge and social norms in the process of structural embeddedness influencing employees’ green behaviours; and the mediating role of social norms in the process of relational embeddedness influencing employees’ green behaviours, and provides referable suggestions on how to provide human resource management strategies to promote employees’ green behaviours from a social network perspective.
The Current Situation and Future Development of China’s Human Resource Service Industry
Yu Xing’an, Li Qi
2024, 51(7): 69-78. 
Abstract ( )   PDF (2078KB) ( )  
After more than 40 years of development, China’s human resource service industry has embarked on a unique “Chinese-style” path, showing a trend of scaling, diversification, specialization, digitization, integration, agglomeration, and internationalization. At the same time, the development of the industry also faces problems such as the need for enterprises to improve their awareness of human resource service, low synergy between human resource service and the real economy, uneven regional development, insufficient utilization of data resources, overall characteristics of industry being small, scattered, and weak, and need for further standardization of market order. To promote the future development of the human resource service industry, it is necessary to further promote the deep integration of human resources and the real economy; strengthen innovation leadership, create a more benign symbiotic pattern between human resource service and technological development, modern finance, and the like; adapt to changes in the form of labor combinations and focus on expanding employment service functions; make good use of new technologies and promote the transformation and upgrading of various human resource service businesses; intensify training efforts and continuously improve the professional level of human resource service practitioners; promote integrated development and improve the overall survival and development capabilities of the industry; implement accurate positioning and fully leverage the gathering platform role of the human resource service industry park; adapt to the needs of the new situation and formulate an upgraded version of human resource service industry development policies; adjust management functions and achieve integrated management of human resource service across the entire industry; simplify administration, delegate power, and strengthen the construction of human resource service industry associations.
Situation of Prominent Problems in and Improvement Strategies for Employment of Higher Vocational College Students in China— Survey and Analysis Based on College A in City Z, Province S
Zheng Wei, Yuan Qi, Huang Qingxia
2024, 51(7): 79-92. 
Abstract ( )   PDF (2432KB) ( )  
The employment of higher vocational college students is an important component of higher education work. This paper conducts a questionnaire survey on the employment psychology and status of students of College A in City Z, Province S, and uses quantitative analysis methods to deconstruct the internal mechanism of employment of higher vocational college students in China. As found, the prominent problems in the employment of higher vocational college students in China are mainly that the architecture of the higher vocational education system is not suitable for market employment needs, the comprehensive guarantee of higher vocational education is difficult to improve students’ employability, the output return of higher vocational education is difficult to meet general employment expectations, and the social concept on higher vocational education is not in line with the trend of employment development. To take high-quality employment as the focus of higher vocational education and improve the employment level of higher vocational college students, we should scientifically construct the higher vocational education system, fully provide the guarantee for higher vocational education , improve and strengthen the higher vocational education brand, and establish the correct concept on higher vocational education.