Chinese Personnel Science ›› 2024, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (7): 17-23.

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Study on the Current Wage System for Australian Civil Servants

Wang Qiulei, Xiong Ying   

  • Online:2024-07-26 Published:2024-08-22


王秋蕾, 熊缨   

  • 作者简介:王秋蕾 中国人事科学研究院二级翻译;熊缨 中国人事科学研究院副研究员

Abstract: The Australian civil service wage system aims to ensure a competitive, transparent, and fair compensation framework aligned with public service goals. This framework consists of four parts: basic wage (full-time annual pay), benefits (including pension contributions, personal perks, and other allowances), bonuses (for performance and retention), and allowances (for working conditions, qualifications and work-related expenses, such as additional duty, qualification or skill allowances). Between 2017 and 2021, the median basic wages of civil servants at different levels increased, albeit with varying rates of growth. Overall, the Australian civil service wage system features diverse employment methods, allowing customized terms and conditions under different agreements, along with varied bonus categories (such as individual performance, retention, productivity, onboarding, team or institution bonuses), and classification based on job roles, qualifications and complexity to determine wage levels. Additionally, high wage transparency fosters fairness among civil servants, enhances performance incentives, and promotes consistent team cooperation. Understanding the wage system of civil servants in Australia is helpful for deepening the reform of the wage system of civil servants in China.

Key words: Australian civil servants, Wage system, Wage management

摘要: 澳大利亚公务员现行工资制度旨在为其各个政府机构的员工提供公平公正的薪酬框架,以确保公务员薪酬具有竞争力、透明度并符合公共服务的目标。工资由四个部分组成:一是基本工资,即支付给雇员的全职年度工资;二是各类福利,主要包括单位缴纳的养老金、个人福利和其他补充性津贴等;三是各类奖金(bonus),主要包括个人绩效奖金、留任奖金(retention bonus)等;四是各类津贴(allowance),主要包括工作条件、取得资格和其他与工作相关的津贴,例如额外的职责津贴、资格或技能津贴等。在2017年到2021年期间,不同级别公务员的基本工资中位数均有所增加,但增长的速度各不相同。总体看,澳大利亚公务员工资制度具有以下特征:采用不同的聘用方式,允许公务员在使用不同协议时定制就业条款和条件;奖金类别较为丰富,包括个人绩效奖金、留任奖金、生产力奖、入职奖金、团队或机构奖金等;根据人员职位的职责、所需资格和复杂性进行分类,使用分类结构来确定薪资级别。同时,薪酬的透明度较高,有助于提升公务员之间的公平性、绩效激励的有效性和团队合作的一致性。了解澳大利亚公务员的工资制度,对深化我国公务员工资制度改革或将有所帮助。

关键词: 澳大利亚公务员, 工资制度, 薪酬管理

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