Chinese Personnel Science ›› 2024, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (7): 24-32.

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Theoretical Logic and Practical Experience of Local Undergraduate Universities and Colleges Providing Settlement Fees for Doctoral Introduction

Li Yongping, Yan Yu, Xiang Xuyan, Zhou Fei   

  • Online:2024-07-26 Published:2024-08-22


李永平, 晏昱, 向绪言, 周菲   

  • 作者简介:李永平 湖南文理学院人才工程办公室主任、讲师;晏昱 湖南文理学院党委委员、副校长,副教授;向绪言 湖南文理学院人事处处长、教授;周菲 湖南文理学院人事处人才引进与培养科科长、政工师
  • 基金资助:
    * 本文系湖南省教育科学规划课题“地方本科院校青年博士引进和培养体系创新研究”(项目编号:XJK23BGD030)的阶段性研究成果

Abstract: Introducing doctors is an important way to build a talent team of local undergraduate universities and colleges. Doctors are scarce talents. Providing a certain amount of settlement fees is a common practice for local undergraduate universities and colleges to recruit doctoral talents. However, the logic, rationality, and scientificity of providing settlement fees for doctoral introduction are often questioned by society. This paper analyzes the internal logic of local undergraduate universities and colleges providing settlement fees for doctoral introduction, and uses case studies to study the payment standards and methods of settlement fees. The results show that: (1) providing settlement fees for doctoral introduction conforms not only to theoretical logic but also to practical logic; (2) the supply and demand relationship and intrinsic value of talents are the main basis for determining the standard of settlement fees for doctoral introduction; (3) installment or deferred payment of settlement fees for doctoral introduction can provide good protection, constraint, and incentive effects.

Key words: Doctoral introduction, Settlement fees, Local undergraduate universities and colleges, Human capital theory

摘要: 引进博士是地方本科院校人才队伍建设的重要途径。博士属于稀缺型人才,给付其一定数额的安家费是地方本科院校招揽博士人才的通行做法。但是,给付博士引进安家费的逻辑性、合理性和科学性经常受到社会的质疑。文章分析了地方本科院校给付博士引进安家费的内在逻辑,运用案例对安家费的发放标准和发放方式进行了研究,结果表明:(1)给付博士引进安家费既符合理论逻辑也符合现实逻辑;(2)人才供求关系和内在价值是确定博士引进安家费标准的主要依据;(3)分期或延期支付博士引进安家费能起到较好的保障、约束和激励作用。

关键词: 博士引进, 安家费, 地方本科院校, 人力资本理论

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