

    26 June 2024, Volume 51 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Study on Promotion of Grassroots Civil Servants in Ethnic Areas Based on Resume Information: Taking L County in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region as an Example
    Wu Fan, Li Mingyang
    2024, 51(6): 1-11. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2256KB) ( )  
    Under a multi-level government structure, the promotion of grassroots civil servants is restricted, and the problem of “section chief rank ceiling” is more common. This paper collected the resume data of 106 grassroots civil servants in L Ethnic Autonomous County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, deeply coded them, and introduced a survival analysis method for analysis to examine the influences of factors such as personal information, educational experience and work information on the career development of grassroots civil servants. As found by this study: there is a critical promotion period for grassroots civil servants; promotion of grassroots civil servants emphasizes the identity of Party members and educational experience; after entering the civil service system for a certain period of time, there may be a promotion bottleneck. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended to improve the promotion mechanism and promote the career development of grassroots civil servants from three perspectives, including evaluation system, promotion channel, and condition creation.
    Research on Internal Distribution Policies for Performance Wages in Application-oriented Universities
    Lei Wenjing
    2024, 51(6): 12-22. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2314KB) ( )  
    Promoting the reform of the salary system in universities and improving the internal income distribution incentive mechanism are practical requirements for the construction of an education powerhouse. In the context of deepening the reform of the salary system in universities, guided by the national policy on salary system reform in universities, taking ten application-oriented universities nationwide as samples, this study analyzes the structural composition, classification management, distribution principles, distribution elements, segmentation mode, and performance wage gap of their internal distribution plans for performance wages. Through comparison, it is found that each university has both common and different characteristics. Based on the development logic and characteristics of the internal distribution plans for performance wages in ten sample universities, combined with the connotation and characteristics of application-oriented universities, a “1-2-3+X” internal distribution model for performance wages in application-oriented universities is constructed. Reform suggestions are proposed from five aspects, including market-oriented allocation, performance evaluation, structural weight, income gap, and dynamic adjustment, to promote the effective use of performance distribution “batons” in application-oriented universities, stimulate the entrepreneurial vitality of teachers, and strengthen their work efficiency.
    Construction of Vocational Qualification Certification and Recognition Mechanism in China from Perspective of Qualification Framework
    Sun Yiping, Xie Jing, Huang Mei, Cai Xuejun
    2024, 51(6): 23-32. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2193KB) ( )  
    The national qualification framework is a universal level and standard for measuring, communicating, and connecting various learning outcomes of social members. Vocational qualifications are an important type of national qualifications, and achieving certification and equivalent conversion of vocational qualifications is an important task in the construction of the national qualification framework. From international experience, the construction of the national qualification framework often goes through a process from a single type to multiple types, and from a single region to cross regions. Since the reform and opening up, China has basically formed a basic vocational qualification framework. However, in terms of the construction of the certification and recognition mechanism, there are still problems such as lack of unified management, weak legal system, insufficient standard design, and lagging credit bank construction. In the future, we should explore the establishment of a unified vocational qualification recognition and certification management system, and promote the construction of the vocational qualification recognition and certification mechanism from the aspects of management system, legal system, standard system and operational system.
    Current Situation and Practical Exploration of Talent Incentives in State-Owned Enterprises
    Liu Songbo, Chen Yuxin
    2024, 51(6): 33-44. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2195KB) ( )  
    Talent incentives are a management process that creates conditions that meet the needs of talents based on changes in internal and external environments, thus stimulating the behavioral motivation of talents and enabling them to achieve the expected goals of organizations. Talent incentives for state-owned enterprises are a key measure to enhance their competitiveness and promote their sustainable development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, talent incentive policies for state-owned enterprises have been continuously improved, incentive measures have become more scientific and fairer, and incentive subjects have become more diverse, providing a continuously optimized environment for talent development. However, the talent incentive system for state-owned enterprises still faces severe challenges, such as incomplete system design, unreasonable salary structure, single incentive measures, and insufficient medium-term and long-term incentives. In order to achieve effective incentives for talents, state-owned enterprises should establish and improve a salary management system that is basically adapted to the labor market, is based on job value and performance contribution, and achieve synchronous growth in employee compensation while increasing economic benefits and labor productivity; implement policies based on talents and adopt different incentive measures according to the differences in talents; improve the equity incentive system and focus on medium-term and long-term talent incentives; introduce a comprehensive compensation strategy, and emphasize the organic combination of material incentives and non-material incentives.
    Study on Quantitative Evaluation and Optimization of Skilled Talent Policies of Nine Mainland Cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Based on PMC Index Model
    Guo Huan
    2024, 51(6): 45-57. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2985KB) ( )  
    Policy evaluation is of great significance to the formulation, implementation, and optimization of skilled talent policies. This study takes the skilled talent policies of nine cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as the research object, and evaluates them using a combination of PMC index model and text mining method. As found by this study, the overall design of the skilled talent policies in these regions is relatively reasonable and has certain advantages, but there are also problems, such as unclear policy goal planning, unclear content, unclear regional characteristics, insufficient regulation, and imperfect incentive and constraint mechanisms. In the future, when formulating or revising relevant policies, it is necessary to plan goals reasonably, enhance the regulation of policies, enhance the scientificity of policy content, and improve incentive and constraint mechanisms. This will help to further optimize and improve the skilled talent policies of the nine mainland cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and improve the implementation and effectiveness of policies.
    Study on “Double-Edged Sword” Influence of Organizational Fault Tolerance Atmosphere on Voice Behavior: Using Organizational Trust and Psychological Entitlement as Mediating Variables
    Chen Yuling, Zhou Yunzhu, Shao Jingzhi
    2024, 51(6): 58-67. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2165KB) ( )  
    The organizational fault tolerance atmosphere plays an important role in promoting employees’ work enthusiasm and motivating innovative behavior. While previous studies have primarily focused on its positive impacts, they have often overlooked its potential negative effects, leading to a significant research gap in considering both aspects simultaneously. This paper, based on social exchange theory, constructs a dual mediation model utilizing organizational trust and psychological entitlement as mediating variables. The goal is to unveil the “double-edged sword” effect of organizational fault tolerance atmosphere on employees’ voice behavior through these mediating variables. The results show that the organizational fault tolerance atmosphere positively correlates with organizational trust, moreover, organizational trust positively influences employees’ voice behavior, and it mediates the relationship between organizational fault tolerance atmosphere and voice behavior. Additionally, organizational fault tolerance atmosphere positively correlates with psychological entitlement, which in turn negatively impacts voice behavior. Psychological entitlement also serves as a mediating factor in the relationship between organizational fault tolerance atmosphere and voice behavior.
    Spatial Pattern and Driving Factors of Coupling and Coordination between Human Resource service Industry and “Talent Chain, Innovation Chain, and Industry Chain”
    Wang Yafei, Shi Ming
    2024, 51(6): 68-83. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2743KB) ( )  
    Using models or methods such as coupling-coordination degree model, spatial autocorrelation, and geographic detector, the human resource service industry is included in the analysis framework of “talent chain, innovation chain, and industry chain” (hereinafter referred to as “three chains”), and an evaluation indicator system for the development of human resource service industry and “three chains” is constructed. Empirical testing is conducted on the spatial characteristics and driving mechanisms of coupling and coordination between human resource service industry and “three chains” in 29 sample provinces of China in 2021. The results show that during the sample period, the level of coordinated development between China's human resource service industry and the “three chains” presents spatial characteristics of leading in the eastern region and relatively lagging in the central and western regions; the threshold width of coupling-coordination degree is between 0.162 and 0.964, it spans nine coordination levels and four development stages from severe imbalance to high-quality coordination, and it presents an olive shaped structure in spatial distribution and has spatial positive correlation characteristics; the coupling-coordination level is closely related to factors such as economic development level, industrial structure, economic openness level, fiscal support, financial scale, and urbanization rate.
    Survey and Analysis of Employment Values of College Students in New Era
    Wang Feipeng, He Qiong, Xiao Pengyan, Zhao Beibei
    2024, 51(6): 84-92. 
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2578KB) ( )  
    The employment of college students in the new era is facing a situation of coexistence of “old” and “new”. This paper explores the employment values of college students in the new era through a questionnaire survey, starting from four dimensions, including overall employment planning view, employment expectation, career selection view, and employment ethics view. The results show that in the new era, college students have a strong awareness of employment preparation and planning, a more rational judgment of the employment situation, and a certain willingness to start a business. However, they believe that insufficient funds are the main limitation; the expectation on employment regions shows certain structural characteristics, the expectation on employment units exhibits endogeneity, the expectation on employment positions shows a concentration trend, and the expectation on salary is relatively rational; a good work standard view that combines personal value and social value is adhered to, the understanding of the relationship between profession and work is relatively flexible, and the view of approach to obtaining work is right; the sense of employment morality is strong.