中国人事科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (10): 11-21.

• 公共人事管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘恺, 昝雨初, 李泽宇, 高玉玉   

  • 出版日期:2021-10-26 发布日期:2022-01-12
  • 作者简介:刘 恺 江苏师范大学法学院副教授、法学博士;昝雨初 中国矿业大学人文与艺术学院 2018级法学专业本科生;李泽宇 中国矿业大学人文与艺术学院 2018级法学专业本科生;高玉玉 江苏师范大学法学院 2020级法学硕士研究生
  • 基金资助:
    *国家社科基金中华学术外译项目 20WFXB008; 江苏省双创计划——双创博士项目2018年度; 江苏师范大学博士学位教师科研基金项目 18XWRS011; 江苏师范大学研究生科研与实践创新计划项目 2021XKT0202

Analysis on the Legal Path on Governance in Service Period of Labor and Personnel Disputes in Colleges and Universities

Liu Kai, Zan Yuchu, Li Zeyu, Gao Yuyu   

  • Online:2021-10-26 Published:2022-01-12

摘要: 劳动合同服务期制度是指为确保用人单位对特定劳动者物质投入后、限制劳动者就业权并实现物质投入得以回报的一项制度。高校与教师之间常常通过聘用合同实现类似的制度诉求,广泛约定服务期,以实现获得相应职称或培训的教职工继续留在本校服务。通过梳理高校服务期典型案例的裁判态度可以看出,缺乏物质基础(包括金钱等投入)的聘用合同的服务期基本不受法律保护。由此可以考虑优化法律治理路径:提升对服务期法律概念的科学认识,树立科学的契约观念,加大人才投入,夯实服务期的物质基础,从而实现从“流出人才”到“留住人才”转变;引导高校人才树立诚信意识和法治意识,提升对高校投入的无形财产的科学认识,构建高校人才的自我约束和自我勉励机制;立法层面拓展服务期在高校及其他特殊行业的适用范围;在高等院校聘用合同中规范服务期适用情形,平衡劳资双方权利义务,构建平等协商机制,增强服务期限的合理性,统一违约金计算标准,限制畸高惩罚性赔偿,实现高校聘用合同服务期条款设定的规范化。

关键词: 高等院校, 劳动合同, 服务期, 法律治理

Abstract: According to relevant provisions of the Labor Contract Law, the service period system of labor contracts refers to a system to ensure limiting the workers’right to employment and realizing the return of material investment after the employer has made material investment in specific workers. Colleges and universities and teachers often realize similar system demands through employment contracts, and widely agree on service period, so as to realize that the teaching and administrative personnel who have obtained the corresponding professional title or training can continue to serve in the colleges and universities. By combing the judgment attitude of typical cases in service period in colleges and universities, it can be seen that service period in employment contracts lacking material basis (including money and other investment) is basically not protected by law. Therefore, we can consider optimizing the path of legal governance: improving the scientific research understanding of the legal concept of service period, combing the scientific concept of contract, increasing talent investment and consolidating the material foundation of service period, so as to realize the transformation from “outflow of talents” to “retention of talents”; guiding talents in colleges and universities to establish the consciousness of sincerity and rule of law, improving the scientific understanding of the intangible property invested by colleges and universities, and constructing the self-restraint and self-encouragement mechanism of talents in colleges and universities; at the legislative level, expanding the scope of application of service period in colleges and universities and other special industries; standardizing the application of service period in the employment contracts of colleges and universities, balancing the rights and obligations of both employers and employees, building an equal negotiation mechanism, enhancing the rationality of service period, unifying the calculation standard of contract breach damages, limiting abnormally high punitive damages, and realizing the standardization of articles on service period in employment contracts in colleges and universities.

Key words: Colleges and universities, Labor contract, Service period, Legal governance
