中国人事科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (10): 83-93.

• 人力资源服务 • 上一篇    


范卫红, 王廷兴   

  • 出版日期:2021-10-26 发布日期:2022-01-12
  • 作者简介:范卫红 重庆大学法学院副教授;王廷兴 重庆大学法学院经济法硕士

Trustworthiness Incentive for Human Resources Service Agencies: Theoretical Analysis and System Improvement

Fan Weihong, Wang Tingxing   

  • Online:2021-10-26 Published:2022-01-12

摘要: 人力资源服务机构是与就业息息相关的中介组织,完善诚信激励制度可以通过激励机制引领其从业行为,提高诚信积极性。诚信激励契合现代化治理中“以人民为中心”“体制创新”与“德法并举”的理念,有助于促进行业行为的规范化,保护劳动者合法权益。但在实践中,对人力资源服务机构的诚信认定标准不一、激励措施不够明确、监督力度不足。完善人力资源服务机构诚信激励制度,应进一步统一诚信认定标准,通过社会承认与经济刺激的方法,从基本条件、组织建设、信用状况、服务规范、服务业绩以及社会责任等方面入手,加强诚信监督,多维度落实人力资源服务机构诚信激励措施。

关键词: 人力资源服务机构, 人力资源服务, 诚信激励, 信用

Abstract: As human resource service agencies are intermediary organizations closely related to employment, improving the trustworthiness incentive system helps them restrain their professional behaviors and raise their enthusiasm for integrity. Trustworthiness incentive, which conforms to the concepts of modern governance including “people orientation”, “system innovation” and " insisting on both law and morality”, helps promote the standardization of industry behaviors and protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers. However, in practice, there are problems with trustworthiness incentive such as different accreditation criteria, unclear incentive measures and insufficient supervision. To perfect the trustworthiness incentive system, the trustworthiness accreditation criteria should be further unified. Considering basic conditions, organizational construction, credit status, service standards, service performance, and social responsibility and using social recognition and economic stimulus methods, more efforts should be made in trustworthiness supervision and the trustworthiness incentive measures should be implemented for human resource service agencies in multiple dimensions.

Key words: Human resource service agencies, Human resource service, Trustworthiness incentive, Credit
