中国人事科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (11): 27-33.

• 人才资源开发 • 上一篇    下一篇


戴科彬, 邓婷婷, 郑颖美, 曾方   

  • 出版日期:2023-11-26 发布日期:2023-12-19
  • 作者简介:戴科彬 同道猎聘集团董事会主席兼首席执行官;邓婷婷 同道猎聘集团人才政策研究中心副主任;郑颖美 同道猎聘集团大数据研究院院长;曾方 同道猎聘集团大数据研究院副院长

Research on Doctoral Talent Introduction and Employment Policies

Dai Kebin, Deng Tingting, Zheng Yingmei, Zeng Fang   

  • Online:2023-11-26 Published:2023-12-19

摘要: 博士人才作为接受过最高学历教育的人才,是高层次创新人才的主要来源。近年来,我国博士人才数量增长较快,但总量相对不足,存在一定程度的就业结构性矛盾。在实现高水平科技自立自强的战略要求下,各地各部门纷纷出台政策,致力于发挥政策优势、增强人才集聚,博士人才成为人才引进的重要对象。从各地政策来看,文件载体较为分散,政策内容集中于物质激励、生活保障和人才发展方面。政策力度反映了各地博士人才供求关系,吸引博士人才到企业就职成为博士人才政策的新热点,但是在政策差异化、激发用人单位积极性、激发人才价值发挥、政策集成宣传等方面有待加强。

关键词: 博士, 人才引进政策, 人才激励, 高校毕业生就业

Abstract: Doctoral talents, as those who receive the highest level of education, are the main source of high-level innovative talents. In recent years, the growth of doctoral talents in China has been rapid, but the total amount is relatively insufficient, and there is a certain employment structural contradiction. Under the strategic requirement of achieving high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement, various departments in various regions have introduced policies, committed to leveraging policy advantages, enhancing talent aggregation, and making doctoral talents an important target for talent introduction. From the perspective of policies in various regions, the document carriers are relatively scattered, the policy content focuses on material incentives, life security, and talent development, the policy strength reflects the supply and demand relationship of doctoral talents in various regions, and attracting doctoral talents to work in enterprises has become a new hot topic in doctoral talent policies. However, there is still room for improvement in realizing the differentiation of policies, stimulating the enthusiasm of employers, stimulating the value of talents, and promoting the integration of policies.

Key words: Doctors, Talent introduction policies, Talent incentives, Employment of graduates from colleges and universities
