中国人事科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (10): 62-71.

• 人才资源开发 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2021-10-26 发布日期:2022-01-12
  • 作者简介:王文利 国防大学政治学院基层政治工作系、教授、专业技术大校、硕士研究生导师

Research on the New Round of Talent Management Innovation and Experience in the US Army

Wang Wenli   

  • Online:2021-10-26 Published:2022-01-12

摘要: 美国陆军正在从工业时代人事系统向21世纪管理个人才能的人才管理方式转变。2019年《国防授权法》向军队授予9项新权力,为以个人才能为基础的新一轮人才管理制度改革提供了立法保障。2020年美国陆军实施了十几项改革措施,主要包括:实施灵活的引进与开发政策,采取集中审选与选拔评估相结合的方式选拔优秀领导人,依托内部人才市场实施市场化人才精准调配,以及实施非标准化的人才职业发展路径等,形成以大数据为基础的21世纪军队人才管理制度体系。军队高层积极推动提供改革动力,大数据和信息科学提供技术保障,行为科学和认知科学提高改革科学性,对新生代军队人才需求的关注提高改革针对性。但改革过程中仍然面临传统军事文化的阻碍。

关键词: 美国陆军, 军事人才, 人才管理, 制度创新

Abstract: The U.S. Army is witnessing a shift from the talent system in industrial era to the individual talents management mode in the 21st century. In 2019, National Defense Authorization Act granted additional 9 rights to the army, providing legislative guarantees for a new round of talent management system reform based on individual talents. In 2020, to reform the talent management system, the U.S. Army implemented more than a dozen measures mainly including: implementing flexible introduction and development policies, executing the outstanding leader selection mechanism combining centralized + evaluation methods, relying on the internal talent market to carry out market-oriented talent deployment, and implementing non-standard talent career development paths, which helped form a big data-based military talent management system facing the 21st century. However, there are still obstacles from traditional military culture in the course of reform, despite of active reform momentum provided by top military leaders, technical support from big data and information science, scientificity improvement via behavioral science and cognitive science and improvement of targetedness by focusing on the needs of the new generation of military talents.

Key words: US Army, Military talents, Talent management, System innovation
